Sunday, March 4, 2012


Sometimes I feel isolated,
Holed up in my room,
When everybody else is outside.

While I do homework or read,
They laugh and talk,
Of things I'll never know,
Because I was in my room.

Then, when I finally emerge,
I do things I'm not supposed to do,
Things that they talked about,
While I was in my room.

I get blamed for things I didn't know,
Things I didn't understand,
Things I never realized.

Sometimes I feel like I'm an anchor,
Like I'm only holding them back.

Sometimes I feel like they're on a train,
While I'm still at the station.

I feel like I'm stuck in cement,
While life goes on without me.

I can never quite catch up,
Even when they stop for me.

And so,
I end up
Holed up
In my room,

Isolated from my life.

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