Wednesday, February 29, 2012

WOW: Small Expectations

Everything seems bigger,Now that I am small.

Blades of grass are slides,
While windows are skyscrapers.

Trees stretch on forever,
Branches pointing towards the sky.

The sky seems no bigger,
Then it was,
When I was bigger.
That's the only thing that is the same.

I play and run,
On tiny feet.

I touch and feel,
With tiny hands.

I look and see,
With tiny eyes.

I listen and hear,
With tiny ears.

I sense the world around me,
With a heart as big as the sky.


  1. That was so cute! I love the idea that the sky will always be the same, no matter how big you are. wonderful!

  2. Cool! Had a smile on my face instantly, and it reads beautifully. I love the sky being no bigger too. Also, it's interesting that the narrator isn't perturbed or shocked by their smallness... just a fresh perspective to them. Lovely!

  3. Your writing is incredibly touching and beautiful. I was moved with each line. Nice work!

  4. Really sweet - this made me smile :)
