Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Heart

My heart used to be whole.
Then you came along and shattered it.

I thought you were my friend,
But I guess I was wrong

Now, my heart is made of glass
Easily broken again.

You break it every day,
With your snide words and rude actions

I always laugh it off,
Pretending like nothing happened,

But really,
I'm picking up the pieces.

I used to play a waiting game,
Hoping that my heart would heal enough

But now its gone too far
I'm going to protect my heart from you

I'm protecting it at all costs,
Doing anything to keep my heart safe.

I won't let you break me again,
Not now, not ever

So throw your words and smile,
But my heart is made of stone

You can't do anything to hurt me
So stop trying to attack my heart.


  1. That was one of your best poems yet. Are you away this week?

  2. I nominated you for the versatile blogger award. Go to my page and check it out. :)
